Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why? That's why.

Tonight was just awesome. It was a well needed reminder of the real reason I do what I do. I've been kind of toying with going and hanging out at Senior High for a while now, and from the urging of some friends and the prompting of God, I decided to go. The main reason I really wanted to go is I have some friends there at senior high, I thought it would be nice to go catch up with some of the kids who have moved on from Junior High, and because it really gave me an excuse to go to a live worship set. Little did I know God had more than just that in store for me....
Before I go on, Ben and Jeff, thank you for being so gracious and accepting of me being there tonight.
Anyway, I was doing my thing, just going around and catching up with or talking to people, when, after service, AJ tells me that one of our students who I haven't seen in years is there tonight. I got all excited because God had already spoken to me earlier in the day about this kid. I immediately ran off to go hunt him down. I quickly was almost literally drawn right to him. I walked up and he basically said "wow" and motions me off to the side saying, "Come here, lets talk."
I won't go into the details of kid, no scratch that, young man's life, but since leaving us last he got himself into what I would call serious doodoo. God totally impacted his life and he came to me tonight with a totally open, honest, and teachable heart. He knows he's walking a hard path, but the determination to be a man of God burns in his tear filled eyes.

I was reminded tonight that I might not always see the results immediately, but the seeds being planted are more effective than I'll ever know.

Good job man of God. Blessings be upon you and I can't wait to journey with you.

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